Smarter Together

Sustainable development builds on people in integrated, inclusive societies that develop in partnership and foster dialogue among all parties - being ‘smarter together’. It equally builds on modern technologies and constant innovation as key ingredients at the service of people, societal development and economic transformation.

Sharing these fundamental values and philosophy, SMARTER TOGETHER is a joint project that aims to improve citizen’s quality of life in nowadays transforming cities. The project will focus on finding the right balance between ICT technologies, citizen engagement and institutional governance to deliver smart and inclusive solutions.

Therefore, six neighborhoods in different European countries experiment with innovative smart city components, including co-creation processes and high-quality refurbishment measures to explore new ways of adding value in urban societies:

  • Munich, Lyon and Vienna – the three lighthouse cities – will implement the main demonstration activities in specific districts, monitor the results and upscale solutions at city level
  • Santiago de Compostela, Sofia and Venice – the three follower cities – will replicate the key findings from lighthouse cities in targeted areas, implementing them in different urban and institutional environments
  • Kiev and Yokohama – the observer cities – will increase the outreach of the project whilst bringing in the perspective of cities from East Europe and Asia.

SMARTER TOGETHER will deepen the knowledge and know-how in the fields of data management, eco-refurbishment, e-mobility, user-centric innovation and sustainable smart city business models through large-scale demonstration activities. Research and business stakeholders will benefit from the in-depth transfer of the results, which will prepare the ground for a large-scale replication of successful solutions in other cities, contributing to positive societal dynamics in European countries and beyond.


  • Demonstrate large-scale smart city solutions in six districts under various urban and governance conditions covering the European diversity
  • Develop new business models to turn the demonstration activities into economically sustainable and replicable solutions for other cities
  • Foster user-centric innovation by involving even more people and stakeholders in the co-creation and design of new services and solutions
  • Experiment with low energy districts providing energy-efficient buildings with local renewable heat and electricity
  • Integrate existing data networks into citizen-oriented open data platforms to deliver new services to locals and Implement new e-mobility solutions for local citizens and companies

The Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design will work actively on the design of innovative refurbishment concepts and will technically steer the project by a systematic and multifunctional monitoring in Munich and in co-creation with Lyon and Vienna.