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- Deep Learning in Historical Architecture Remote Sensing: Automated Historical Courtyard House Recognition in Yazd, Iran. Heritage 5 (4), 2022, 3066-3080 mehr…
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- Initiating Research into Adapting Rural Hedging Techniques, Hedge Types, and Hedgerow Networks as Novel Urban Green Systems. Land 10 (5), 2021, 529 mehr…
- Initiating Research into Adapting Rural Hedging Techniques, Hedge Types, and Hedgerow Networks as Novel Urban Green Systems. Land 10 (5), 2021, 529 mehr…
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- Teaching Computational Approaches in Baubotanik: Developing a design-and-build workflow for a living architecture pavilion. Responsive Cities Symposium 2021: Design with Nature, 2021 mehr…
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- Urban Microclimate Canopy: Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Growth Simulation of a Living Architecture Prototype. Sustainability 12 (15), 2020, 6004 mehr…
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