Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Doktorandin
Helka Dzsacsovszki, M.Sc., M.A. (Hons)

Raum: 4119
Tel.: +49 (0)89 289 29060
E-Mail: helka.dzsacsovszki@tum.de

Helka Dzsacsovszki studied Architectural History and Architectural Conservation at the University of Edinburgh where she focused on the history and heritage challenges of the architectures of socialism. She volunteered for the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland and contributed to the DOCOMOMO International Mass Housing Archive, created by DOCOMOMO’s International Specialist Committee on Urbanism and Landscape in partnership with the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies. She is a member of the Hungarian National Committee of ICOMOS. She is a Doctoral Candidate at the Professorship of Recent Building Heritage Conservation since October 2021, researching the developing theories on modern architecture in historic urban contexts during the Cold War from an Eastern European, particularly Hungarian perspective.

Doctoral project
“Modern architecture in historic ensembles and monuments”: Hungarian contributions to the evolving international discourses, 1931-1975