
is professor of landscape architecture.
Silvia Benedito teaches landscape architecture at Harvard Graduate School of Design. She graduated as an architect from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, she has a degree in music from the Conservatory of Coimbra and a Master's degree in Urban Design from Harvard Graduate School of Design.
Guest critic at the LAI in summer term 2015 on occasion of the Master's studio "New Fabric for BRNO"
Guest critic in summer term 2018 at the LAI in the framework of the master project "industrial alpine landscapes AT - Post industrial transformation in Loeben".
Guest criticin winter term 2018/19 at the LAI as part of the bachelor project "italcementi - Borgo San Dalmazzo, Italy".

Full Professor of Landscape Architecture at the Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) ETH Zurich.
Teresa Galí-Izard’s research focuses on the interface between landscape architecture and agronomy and on regenerative interactions between people, animals and landscape. She is particularly interested in sustainability in this respect. Her results help to preserve the biological value and structure of landscapes, thus also helping to counter the rapid loss of biodiversity. Through the appointment of Teresa Galí-Izard, ETH Zurich is reinforcing the links between landscape architecture design and the areas of soil science, plant physiology and ecology.
Guest reviewer in winter semester 2019/20 at the LAI in the context of the Bachelor project "Eisenerz lässt tief blicken - Entwicklungskonzepte am Rande des Tagesbaus in Eisenerz - AT" and the Master project "Projecting Münichtal 2020+, Post industrial transformation of a former blast furnace site in Eisenerz, Austria.

is registered landscape architect, urban planner and professor.
Since 1968 he is landscape architect and urban planner as partner of Latz + Partner, a cooperative of with architects, sociologists and economists for urbab planning projects on the field of alternative technologies
1983–2008 professor for landscape architecture and planung (TU Munich)
1973 professorship for landscape architecture at the university of Kassel
1968–1973 lecturer in Maastricht
International lecturships and teaching, for example as Adjunct Professor at the University of Pennsylvania und as guest professor in Harvard
1964–1968 studied at the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Planning at RWTH Aachen and employed in the office of Prof. Kühn and Meurer
1964 Diplom at TU Munich
Guest lecture at the LAI in the winter term 2012/13 on occasion of the lecture series "Theory and Criticism in Landscape Architecture".
Lecture at the LAI 2017 in the framework of the international doctoral program Forschungslabor Raum.
Guest review in winter semester 2018/19 at the LAI within the bachelor project "italcementi - Borgo San Dalmazzo, Italy".
Guest critique at the LAI in winter term 2019/20 within the seminar "Renaissance Reloaded".

Daniel Roehr is Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. He teaches at the School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture and, with the Greenskins Lab research group at UBC, specializes in the integration of residential roofs as part of a holistic rainwater management system. Daniel Roehr is co-author of the book "Living roofs in integrated urban water systems" (Routledge 2015). In over 20 years he has practiced in Europe, North America and Asia. From 1995 to 2000 he was project architect of the award-winning green roof project of Daimler-Chrysler at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Before moving to Vancouver, he managed his own company in Berlin from 1999 to 2007 and founded a company in Shanghai in 2004.
Guest lecture at the LAI in the summer semester 2019 as part of the lecture series Theory of Landscape Architecture on the topic: "Residential roofs as rainwater management".

is professor and landscape architect
Günther Vogt is extraordinary Professor for Landscape Architecture at ETH Zurich, Departement of Architecture, and there he also manages the Network City and Landscape. After his studies of landscape architecture in Rapperswil he worked at first in the Büro Stöckli, Kienast & Koeppel. Then he became partner of Kienast Vogt Partner and in the year 2000 he founded the studio Vogt Landscape Architects in Zurich.
Speaker at the symposium "The Invention of the Landscape" ("Die Erfindung der Landschaft") at LAI in winter term 2014/15 with a talk titled "The Invention of the Landscape".
Guest review in SoSe 2019 at the LAI as part of the Bachelorthesis presentations "Open space design concept for the Nordwestbahnhof area Vienna" and the master project "paysages alpins industriels FRA, Post industrial transformation in the Region of La Roche-de-Rame / L'Argentière-La Bessée (France)"