What’s the human being’s sense of space?
The short sketch ‚Topopathie’ serves to discover landscape and its appearance as a four-dimensional space. In search for parameters of the open space and its objective as well as subjective perception, the roll of topography is set out to be investigated as a space-defining basis of the landscape imagery.
The cognition of the everyday in our environment should become the focus of this work. Observing and understanding the environment, designed and formed by landscape architects, should be reinforced. The main intent was to recognise the essence of a place and to investigate the appearance of it. The question of the sense of place and its territorial experience was to be answered.
Task and Method
Make yourselves and others aware! Recognition through marking!
Using indicators, in order to mark parameters and elements of the environment, video should be used as a detector to focus the perception on the element, that should be investigated or on the appearance of the environment. In order to investigate the topography and its part in the appearance in a landscape, a human being and/or a ball should be used as an indicator.
Both indicators are sending a signal (reflective vest/ signal colour), which is marking the topography of the place. The marker or indicator (human being and ball) read the ground in order to illustrate the relationships and the peculiarities of the space. The video serves as a medium to grasp the indexed appearance of the environment and to represent it to the public. Through the narrative composition of the filmed scenes can the, ground-story’ of the different landscapes be told.
Through the use of indicators the beholder is sensitised for the induced element, in this case the topography, and receives it as a clearly describing and judging element of the landscape.
Video thesis in the framework of a short sketch at LAI winter term 2010/11
Tutors: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Kramer
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt
Participants: 5 video teams made-up of 3-4 students of different terms